Tension Releasing Exercises

TRE in a nutshell is a series of exercises which awaken the body’s natural ability to tremor. And, when done in a safe environment, following the unique and personal rhythm of your body-mind-emotion-spirit way, it gives us the opportunity to release on many levels.

Physically, mentally, emotionally, fascially.

In september 2011 I experienced my first 3 day TRE workshop. 

TRE in a nutshell is a series of exercises which awaken the body’s natural ability to tremor. And, when done in a safe environment, following the unique and personal rhythm of your body-mind-emotion-spirit way, it gives us the opportunity to release on many levels. Physically, mentally, emotionally, fascially.

My personal experience in 2011 was very intense. To me it felt similar to what I experienced after 10 days of vipassana. An experience of very deep grounding, immense peace within my body and my mind. Trust in life.

Another turning point for me was in 2012 during the TRE Level II training, Having a pattern of being a tough lady, not apt to public displays of emotion, I was invited to be vulnerable, that I didn't have to be brave. And once again an entirely new world opened: where another layer of control and armour could be released. A new world where instead of always trying to be strong or brave I could also choose to be vulnerable, shed my tears and remain present and connected with my experience instead of becoming overwhelmed by my experience. This was supported through the container held by the trainers. A container of deep compassion and connection.

The founder of TRE, David Berceli’s website you can visit ,here,.

The above photos are from 2016 while walking the Camino. My passion is to share the things I have experienced with fellow travellers. So, on a random day with a bunch of random friends, we had a shaking afternoon. Amazing! And then we continued walking, and digesting together with dinner, wine, talking and togetherness. Perfect.

If you are interested in a session, which can be combined with coaching, I would love to facilitate for you!