Inspired by many….

Originally from New Zealand, I have been living in the Netherlands since 1996.  Since then I have been passionately studying and sharing the many facets of Being Human through massage, yoga, meditation, diverse modalities of movement education, trauma healing, coaching, inquiry, family constellations, cold training, breath-work and Internal Family Systems..


Online and live (Zwiggelte, Drenthe) Internal Family Systems and Intimacy from the Inside Out sessions. These include self-inquiry, focusing, inner child work and NVC which create the container for deep healing and expansion. When our wounded parts feel understood and no longer need to control our lives, the depth and strength of our Self is discovered. And so we return home.

Workshops and Retreats, which include the best of everything I love. Diving deep into movement and exploring the depths of ourSelves.

I am available for worldwide freelance work in Embodied Movement, Coaching and Internal Family Systems.

My mission is to contribute to a world where Self Leadership, equality, peace and trust reside. To create a space where nervous systems can relax, where burdens may be released, traumas composted and creativity explodes! And with the unleashing of creativity, new insights, art, play, dance and song find their true expression. A world of Self-Leadership where ‘all parts are welcome’.

Only internal Peace can create external Peace.
Contact: Lucienne van Leeuwen
06-2849 0873 

For those who are interested, bellow is the list of studies I have absorbed and continue to digest... 

And in my spare time I read / listen to the likes of Francis Weller, A. H. Almaas, Richard Schwartz, Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Joe Dispenza, Bruce Lipton, Bessel van der Kolk, Gabor Mate, Michael Singer, Thomas Hubl, David Hawkins, Steven Porges, Osho, Peter Levine, Alan Watts, Michael Brown… 

And for fun, I study, listen to and read the above. Plus… I travel, explore, write, paint, walk, run, move, swim in the sea, hang out in trees, dance, play, garden and Create! Oh yeah, and walk and walk and walk with Kiwi the dog.

2024 February Legacy/Cultural Burden retreat with Kay Gardner

2024 January Completed Certification : Certified Internal Family Systems Practitioner

2024 Program Assistant level 1, online training with Einat Bronstein (Israel)

2023 Level 3 with Pamela Krause, live in Portugal

2023 4 day voice-learning (toning) workshop with Ingrid Voormans (Netherlands)

2023 Program Assistant level 2 (deepening and expanding) live in Portugal with Einat Bronstein

2023 Shame Camp retreat with Toni Herbine-Blank and Martha Sweezy (UK)

2023 Galway Heart Lessons Retreat with Cece Sykes (Ireland)

2023 Intimacy from the Inside Out (IFIO) Advanced training online (Spain)

2022 Program Assistant for level 2 (deepening and expanding) online training with Mike Elkin (UK)

2022 Intimacy from the Inside Out (IFIO) training - online Spain

2022 PA for online level 1 training with Einat Bronstein, Portugal IFS 

2021 Wisdom of Trauma - 4 day online training with Gabor Mate, SAND

2021 18 hour somatic IFS training with Susan McConnell, IFS UK

2021 June PA for online level 1 training with Einat Bronstein, Life Architect Poland

2021 May IFS Level 2 Trauma and Neuroscience with Frank Anderson

2021 April IFS Level 2 Addictions and Eatings Disorders with Mary Kruger

2021 March Fundamentals of Attachment Styles with Diana Poole Heller

Completed trainings

2020 Internal Family Systems Level 3 with Dick Schwartz

2020 Healing Collective Trauma 4 month online course with Thomas Hubl

2020 Internal Family Systems Level 2 Deepening and Expanding training with Osnat Arbel

2020 Internal Family Systems Level 1 training with Osnat Arbel and Chris Burris

2020 Evolutionary Relationships online training with Terry Real and Thomas Hubl

2020 Internal Family Systems Online Circle– 6 month personal leadership – introduction to IFS.  April to September.

2020 Concsious Healing, a six month Live Online course with Thomas Hubl, including highlights of the Collective Trauma Summit. December 2019 to June 2020.

2020 Beyond Addiction, the Yogic Path to Recovery with Sat Dharam Kaur and Gabor Mate. 4 month training.

2019 to date 6 x 3 days holotropic breathwork– personal healing / integration.

2019 Trainings with Svagito Liebermeister

5 days Working with People - Trauma Healing
7 days Level 1: Beyond Family Constellation training         
7 day Osho Art Therapy & Painting

2019 7 day Advanced Zen Coaching Training (including 2 days with Svagito)

2019 Trainings with Bob Cooley – Resistant Flexibility

Level I-III training 9 day Immersion with Elite Trainers and Bob Cooley
Level IV training 7 days with Bob Cooley and Elite Trainers

2018 Completion of Zen Coaching Training with Kare Landfald (1,5 year training)

2017 Wim Hof Method Certified Instructor - year long training.

2016 Joe Dispenza Progressive and Advanced Trainings

2013 Certified Level II Practitioner of Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises.

2012 Certified (300+ hour training) Restorative Exercise Specialist, Healthy Foot Practitioner, Move your DNA instructor and part of the teacher training staff 2014 to 2016 under the inspiring tutelage of Katy Bowman MS.

2012 Completed the 2 year Somatic Yoga Training with Leo Peppas, based on the work of Donna Farhi.

2010 21 day Advanced Yoga Studies training (150 hours) with Donna Farhi. 2010 - 5 day intensive, moved from within. 2011, Assisted at the 5 day intensive; opening to insight. 2009    5 day Spinal Integration Intensive with Donna Farhi

2010 5 day intensive Yoga as Therapy with Doug Keller.

2009 10 day Vipassana retreat

2008HBO Medische Basis Kennis

 2008 Critical Alignment Therapy year long training with Gert van Leeuwen. From 2007 to 2012 3-5 hours per week of classes with Gert. Translated his book Critical Alignment Yoga from Dutch to English. 

2005 250 hour Teacher Training, Yoga Moves

2005 Certified Level 3, Trager Approach

Massage studies:
Sport Massage - 1998
Connective Tissue Massage - 1999
3 year Foot Reflexology - 2000 - 2003
Injury Prevention - 1999
‘Fitvak’ Fitness Instructor - 1999
2011 8 day Trager Workshop voor professionals met Jessie Kuipers
2012 3 day Trager Workshop - seeing the body met Gail Stewart