Internal Family Systems &
Intimacy from the Inside Out

Internal Family Systems is a way to understand our inner world and help it to transform and heal. IFS is based on the principle that multiplicity of the mind is natural and that there is an undamaged, resourceful essence at the core of every person. It is this essence that brings healing and harmony to the inner world.  

Intimacy from the Inside out© is a model of relational coaching that draws primarily from the Internal Family Systems (IFS) model of our psyche (psyche meaning the human soul, mind, or spirit) which carries the concepts of IFS into a relational setting. In this way we start to use our intimate relationships as a vehicle for growth and healing, both personally as well as within our relationships.

Both IFS and IFIO assume that we all have access to an inward spiritual presence that supports our resilience in healing pain and trauma (post-traumatic GROWTH), remembering and reconnecting with this inner resource is a remembering and reconnecting with Self-love and a secure inner attachment.
Both IFS and IFIO are non-pathologizing approaches that help us to make sense of our life experiences in a safe and collaborative way.

My inner journey & relevant studies

My life before being immersed in Zen Coaching, the work of Thomas Hubl and Internal Family Systems was regularly filled with fragmentation between thinking, emotions and physical sensations and confusion between all the warring internal voices. Rejection and suppression of feelings, thoughts and emotions.

Internal Family Systems is a way to understand our inner world and help it to transform and heal. IFS is based on the principle that multiplicity of the mind is natural and that there is an undamaged, resourceful essence at the core of every person. 

Instead of suppressing or battling those parts of ourselves that are hurting, we learn to access and create space for our Soul, our essence and that is what brings healing and harmony to the inner world.  .

This path has opened me to ever deeper healing and expansion. It is the walk of ending the war within through compassion and awareness. Returning, again and again to an inner alignment where wisdom and truth can be found. It is truly the practice of a lifetime.

And this adventure I love to share! My intention with coaching is to support you in your process of falling deeply and madly in love with all of your parts, with life. That your own truth and wisdom light up your unique life path. 

When you walk your walk you become the spark that ignites those you meet. And this is how we create our new world. Through our own journey, experiencing increasing wholeness and peace we become beacons of wholeness and peace. Because every time one of us heals, the entire planet gets lighter.
Watch this discussion of Morphic Resonance by Rupert Sheldrake and truly consider the fact that YOU matter, WE matter, our inner work MATTERS!

Only inner peace can create outer peace.

I believe that this journey back home is the journey we all came to walk.

For those interested, here a list of the trainings I have followed and assisted on to date, relevant to my coaching practice. For a full bio - see about Lucie.

2024 February Legacy/Cultural Burden retreat with Kay Gardner

2024 January Completed Certification : Certified Internal Family Systems Practitioner

2024 Program Assistant level 1, online training with Einat Bronstein (Israel)

2023 Level 3 with Pamela Krause, live in Portugal

2023 4 day voice-learning (toning) workshop with Ingrid Voormans (Netherlands)

2023 Program Assistant level 2 (deepening and expanding) live in Portugal with Einat Bronstein

2023 Shame Camp retreat with Toni Herbine-Blank and Martha Sweezy (UK)

2023 Galway Heart Lessons Retreat with Cece Sykes (Ireland)

2023 Intimacy from the Inside Out (IFIO) Advanced training online (Spain)

2022 Program Assistant for level 2 (deepening and expanding) online training with Mike Elkin (UK)

2022 Intimacy from the Inside Out (IFIO) training - online Spain

2022 Program Assistant for online level 1 training with Einat Bronstein, Portugal IFS

2021 Wisdom of Trauma - 4 day online training with Gabor Mate, SAND

2021 18 hour somatic IFS training with Susan McConnell, IFS UK

2021 June Program Assistant for online level 1 training with Einat Bronstein, Life Architect Poland

2021 May IFS Level 2 Trauma and Neuroscience with Frank Anderson

2021 April IFS Level 2 Addictions and Eatings Disorders with Mary Kruger

2021 March Fundamentals of Attachment Styles with Diana Poole Heller

2020 Internal Family Systems Level 3 with Dick Schwartz 

2020 Healing Collective Trauma 4 month online course with Thomas Hubl

2020 Internal Family Systems Level 2 Deepening and Expanding training with Osnat Arbel 

2020 Internal Family Systems Level 1 training with Osnat Arbel and Chris Burris

2020 Evolutionary Relationships online training with Terry Real and Thomas Hubl

2020 Internal Family Systems Online Circle– 6 month personal leadership – introduction to IFS.  April to September.

2020 Concsious Healing, a six month Live Online course with Thomas Hubl, including highlights of the Collective Trauma Summit. December 2019 to June 2020.

2020 Beyond Addiction, the Yogic Path to Recovery with Sat Dharam Kaur and Gabor Mate. 4 month training.

2019-21 6 x 3 days holotropic breathwork– personal healing / integration.

2019 Trainings with Svagito Liebermeister

5 days Working with People - Trauma Healing 
7 days Level 1: Beyond Family Constellation training         
7 day Osho Art Therapy & Painting

2019 7 day Advanced Zen Coaching Training (including 2 days with Svagito)

2018 Completion of Zen Coaching Training with Kare Landfald (1,5 year training)

2017 to date bi-annual Family Constellations training weekends with Bart Dankers

2016 Joe DispenzaProgressive and Advanced Trainings

2009 10 day Vipassanaretreat