Simplicity, the power of cold

The silent EYE within the great moving storm

This is an excellent description of what the Wim Hof Method means to me at this time. Apart from all the other benefits, like increasing the flexibility of the cardiovascular and immune systems and the stress response. Becoming ever more sensitive to what is occurring in my body and being ever beter to distinguish the parts of me that are working so hard to prove my worth, the parts that shy away from discomfort and pain, are afraid of death, the parts that can embrace and truly long for challenges, freedom and adventure… In other words playing with the cold is an incredible gift in meeting and greeting the many feelings, longings, thoughts, emotions and sensations within. This in turn revealing the real gift of seeing, sensing, feeling the silent I that is always present and connected in this great shifting storm of life.

To step into water, at 0,2 degrees celsius and relax and observe. To allow those moments of panicky breathing, negativity, physical and mental resistance to be welcomed and embraced. To be WITH the experience instead of being TAKEN OVER by the experience. Allowing a deep sinking in, full exhalations, slowing down, a depth to the welcoming of this moment now. The loving EYE observing the thoughts, the physical responses and shifting emotions, simply being present to what is. It really can be this simple to plug back into your own inner power. And then, the intelligent I that says: Enough! You do not need to prove yourself. Enough! Allowing ever more respect, sensitivity, understanding and relationship with this body that is my temple in this life…

Interested? Start easy, start with a 30 day cold shower challenge.
Week 1 – end with 30 seconds cold water.
Week 2 – end with 45 seconds cold water.
Week 3 – end with 1 minute cold water.
Week 4 – only cold.

Breath-work, mindset and cold training during retreats and workshops is something I love to share and play with. Are you in?

In 2017 I completed the year long Wim Hof Method training to become a Certified Instructor. Since then I fell passionately in love with IFS and thus have not kept up my certification with the Wim Hof Method. If you are interested there is heaps of information and courses available via When in doubt, do your own research!

Here a wee idea for your own backyard coming winter.